Masaya Taniguchi is a researcher position in
Research Interests
- Formal Semantics and formal grammar of natural language
- Proof Theory of Substructural Logic
- Theorem Proving (Isabelle/ HOL)
Academic work
- Screener (Engineering), RIKEN Summer School, 2023.
- Reviewer,
Journal of Logic, Language and Linguistics - Secondary reviewer, The 2024 Joint International Conference on
Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation
Non-academic work
- Masaya Taniguchi, “特集 Vimの基本大全 第3章 ファイル操作”, Software Design, 7月号, 2022
I have an experience to teach the formal language theories and undergraduate level mathematics.
Teaching assistant for “Formal Language and Automata” (April 2019 —
June 2019),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Mathematics for Information Scientist” (June
2019 — August 2019),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Formal Language and Automata” (April 2020 —
June 2020),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Mathematics for Information Scientist” (June
2020 — August 2020),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Formal Language and Automata” (April 2021 —
June 2021),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Algebra for Computer Scientist” (June 2021 —
August 2021),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Mathematical Logic” (October 2021 — December
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
Teaching assistant for “Formal Language and Automata” (April 2022 —
June 2022),
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Gakushuin University, 2018
Master of Science in Information Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 2020I received my Master’s degree by writing a project research report, which is unpublished.
Doctor of Science in Information Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 2023
- Shinobu Hosono (Mathematics, Gakushuin University)
Satoshi Tojo (Information Science,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology )
Social Contribution Activities
- Volunteer education support at an orphanage Seirei Aiji En, Ishikawa, Japan, July. 2021 - February. 2023
Financial Support
- JASSO Scholarship, Exemption from refund due to outstanding performance, April. 2018 — March. 2020
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Support Foundation Scholarship Grant (top 2 students in all first-year students in the master’s program, around 400 students), April. 2018 — March. 2019 -
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Scholarship M Program (top 25% of all second-year students in the master’s program, around 400 students), April. 2019 — March. 2020 -
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Doctoral Research Fellow (top 20% of all successful applicants for the doctoral program, around 100 students), April. 2020 — March. 2021 -
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (Doctoral Course 2, DC2) (Linguistics, Humanities),Japan Society for the Promotion of Science , April. 2021 — March. 2023
Research Experience
- Instructor, Gakushuin University Computer Centre, April. 2015 — March. 2018
- Research Assistant, National Institute of Informatics, August. 2016 --- September. 2021
Doctoral Research Fellow,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , April. 2020 — March. 2021The purpose of the Doctoral Research Fellowship is to admit outstanding and highly motivated students pursuing a doctoral degree and develop their ability to conduct research as young researchers by engaging in research activities. The DRF program is open for applications as follows.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (Doctoral Course 2, DC2) (Linguistics, Humanities),Japan Society for the Promotion of Science , April. 2021 — March. 2023Awarded to excellent young researchers, these fellowships offer the fellows an opportunity to focus on a freely chosen research topic based on their innovative ideas. Ultimately, the program works to foster and secure excellent researchers.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (Postdoctoral Fellowship, PD) (Linguistics, Humanities),Japan Society for the Promotion of Science , April. 2023 -
RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Natural Language
Understanding Unit), RIKEN, April. 2023
There is a pressing need to make the most of creative and basic research potential if we are to pioneer new frontiers in science and technology on a global scale. And for this our greatest hope lies with the work of talented and free-thinking young scientists. RIKEN's program for Special Postdoctoral Researchers (SPDR) was instituted to provide young and creative scientists the opportunity to be involved in autonomous and independent research that is in line with RIKEN objectives and research fields.
Research Grant and Research Budget
Polymorphic Combinatory Categorial Grammar for Incremental Parsing
(80,00 00 JPY in 2021, 700,000 JPY in 2022), Grant-in-Aid for
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellows, April. 2021 — March. 2023 - Research Budget for Special Postdoctoral Researcher (1,500,000 JPY in 2022), RIKEN, April. 2023 — March. 2026
Computational analysis of human language functions: bridging grammaticality judgments and categorical grammar
Grant-in-Aid for
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (3,700,000 JPY in total),Japan Society for the Promotion of Science , April. 2024 — March. 2029 - CCG/SMT: Higher Order Algorithm for Tree Structure Incentive Research Projects in FY2024 (3,000,000 JPY in total), RIKEN, April. 2024 — March. 2026
- Tokyo Industrial Education Encouragement Award, TITECH HST, Tokyo, 2014
- Outstanding Performance Award,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 2023
Physical Skills
- Japanese Martial Arts, Kendo 3rd dan grade, All Japan Kendo Federation, 2013
Extra Skills
- Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination, Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan, 2011
- Hazardous Materials Engineer’s License, Class B, Group 4, Japan Fire Engineering Qualification Center, 2013
Social Media
- Mastodon: @taniguchi
Software products
I am an OSS developer joining many projects such as the interpreter of programming language, utilities for daily work, and some libraries. You can see these works on GitHub.
- GitHub: tani
- Ruby RubyGems: taniguchi
- Python PyPI: taniguchi
- JavaScript NPM: taniguchi
- Clojure Clojars: taniguchi
My OSS is supported by Gitpod and GitHub.
Gitpod provides Professional Open Source license to me. GitHub provides GitHub Copilot to me.